A faster array in objective-c

This post was originally planned to be about how I’ve adapted the pointer arithmetic used with standard data a fairly standard data structure to work well with NSMutableData in objective-C. However, in making a sample project to demonstrate this, I’ve expanded it a little to speeding up a very specific type of array in objective-C.

Motivation in image processing

I have been working recently on some image processing algorithms, one of which required a priority queue of pixel locations. Now, this essentially requires a list of integers, but since images have lots of pixels, it’s a very long list. NSArray is a really useful all-purpose collection class used an awful lot in objective-C. The one ‘restriction’ is that it is a collection of objects - it’s not possible to collect primitives in an NSArray without wrapping them in an object. NSNumber is an object which represents all the different number types and, more often than not, wrapping your numbers in this is the best way to go. However, I mentioned that I want to build a list of a large number of integers (think tens of millions). At this point, the overhead of wrapping integers in NSNumber to put them in an NSArray becomes significant.

In the past, when doing image processing work, it is at this point I would drop down to C (from python, matlab, ruby etc) and use low-level memory management functionality to exactly create the data structures as expected. This is also an option when using objective-C - it’s just a superset of C, so malloc() and it’s associated functionality are available to use. However, in using this we loose all of the memory management functionality made available by objective-C. There is another way though - NSMutableData.

NSMutableData as a chunk of memory

NSMutableData is a class which provides the user with a writeable contiguous block of memory of a given size. It inherits from NSObject so the memory management of reference counting and autorelease pools comes for free. It also has the advantage that we can ask for the block of memory to be dynamically resized and iOS will take care of this for us. There is one proviso with this - and that is that iOS reserves the right to move our block of data (primarily when resize is requested). This makes perfect sense, but does cause some issues with standard pointer-based data structures.

In this post I’ll describe how to implement a basic linked-list of integers using NSMutableData and compare its performance to that of an NSMutableArray based list.

Linked lists

Linked lists are one of the simplest pointer-based data structures. It is a collection of nodes, each of which contains some data and a pointer to where you can find the next element in the list. I’m not going to talk much more about them - checkout Wikipedia - it knows all.

typedef struct Node
    Node *nextNode;
    int   value;
} Node;

As I mentioned before, there is an issue when using pointers with NSMutableData - in that you cannot guarantee that your block of data won’t be moved around. Therefore, instead of using a pointer to the next node, we record the offset. Whenever the block of memory is relocated, the pointers of each node will change, but their relative offset from the front of the block will remain the same:

typedef struct Node
    int nextNodeOffset;
    int value;
} Node;

In order to demonstrate this process with a toy project, I defined a pretty simple protocol which my dynamically-sized arrays should implement:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@protocol DynamicSizedArray <NSObject>

- (id)initWithCapacity:(int)capacity;

- (void)pushBack:(int)p;
- (void)pushFront:(int)p;

- (int)popBack;
- (int)popFront;


Code highlights

I’m not going to reproduce the entirety of the code within this post, but I’ve put together a sample project on GitHub to demonstrate it, so you can pull it down from there. It’s at github.com/sammyd/LinkedList-NSMutableData.

At initialisation time we create a cache of nodes of the correct size and then initialise it:

int bytesRequired = capacity * sizeof(Node);
nodeCache = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:bytesRequired];
[self initialiseNodesAtOffset:0 count:capacity];

Every time we further extend the nodeCache then we’ll need to initialise the newly created nodes, so have pulled that out into another method:

- (void)initialiseNodesAtOffset:(int)offset count:(int)count
    Node *node = (Node *)nodeCache.mutableBytes + offset;
    for (int i=0; i<count - 1; i++) {
        node->value = 0;
        node->nextNodeOffset = offset + i + 1;
    node->value = 0;
    // Set the next node offset to make sure we don't continue
    node->nextNodeOffset = FINAL_NODE_OFFSET;

Pushing a new value into the array is pretty simple:

- (void)pushFront:(int)p
    Node *node = [self getNextFreeNode];
    node->value = p;
    node->nextNodeOffset = topNodeOffset;
    topNodeOffset = [self offsetOfNode:node];

Pushing to the end of the array is pretty similar - both use a method which gets them the next free node:

- (Node *)getNextFreeNode
    if(freeNodeOffset < 0) {
        // Need to extend the size of the nodeCache
        int currentSize = nodeCache.length / sizeof(Node);
        [nodeCache increaseLengthBy:_cacheSizeIncrements * sizeof(Node)];
        // Set these new nodes to be the free ones
        [self initialiseNodesAtOffset:currentSize count:_cacheSizeIncrements];
        freeNodeOffset = currentSize;
    Node *node = (Node*)nodeCache.mutableBytes + freeNodeOffset;
    freeNodeOffset = node->nextNodeOffset;
    return node;

This method is the one responsible for resizing the nodeCache if required. NSMutableData has the method to increaseLengthBy:, it’s just a matter of setting them as empty nodes and resetting the free node location. It is at this point that pointer-based addressing would fail since the memory block is likely to move location. We could implement a method which loops through all the existing nodes and updates their pointers, but the offset addressing seems cleaner and works just as well.

And finally, the last method required by the protocol is popping nodes:

- (int)popFront
    if(topNodeOffset == FINAL_NODE_OFFSET) {
        return INVALID_NODE_CONTENT;
    Node *node = [self nodeAtOffset:topNodeOffset];
    int thisNodeOffset = topNodeOffset;
    // Remove this node from the queue
    topNodeOffset = node->nextNodeOffset;
    int value = node->value;
    // Reset it and add it to the free node cache
    node->value = 0;
    node->nextNodeOffset = freeNodeOffset;
    freeNodeOffset = thisNodeOffset;
    return value;

Here we grab the first node, move the ‘pointer’ to the first node to the second node, move the old first node to the available nodes cache and return the value.


Obviously, this kind of code is perfect for some unit testing. I’ve written the bare bones of a test suite - enough to iron out one or two bugs I came across. I’m not going to bore you with the tests here in this blog, but they’re in github.

NSArray Implementation

As a comparison, I have made an implementation which uses NSMutableArray. The salient parts are below:

- (void)pushFront:(int)p
    [array insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:p] atIndex:0];

- (int)popFront
    int v;
    if(array.count > 0) {
        v = [[array objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
        [array removeObjectAtIndex:0];
    } else {
    return v;

Profiling the two approaches

The original purpose behind this work was dealing with large numbers of integers in an array, so to compare the two approaches we’ll see how long it takes to push 10 million integers into the array and then popping them off again:

- (NSArray*)runListProfileWithList:(id<DynamicSizedArray>)list maxSize:(int)maxSize
    double startTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
    for (int i=0; i < maxSize; i++) {
        [list pushFront:arc4random() % 1000000];
    double pushTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
    int poppedValue = 0;
    while (poppedValue != INVALID_NODE_CONTENT) {
        poppedValue = [list popFront];
    double popTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:(pushTime - startTime)],
                                     [NSNumber numberWithDouble:(popTime - pushTime)],

The demo app in the github repo allows the user to run this once with each implementation and displays the results. The following is a screen shot from running it on the simulator on my ageing MacBook.


As you can see, for 10 million integers, the linked list implementation is significantly faster - over 3 times faster in fact. Since the integers don’t have to be wrapped in NSNumbers the memory footprint is also smaller.

## Conclusion

So, I’ve managed to create a basic array implementation which is faster than NSArray for primitive data types. I’m not suggesting that it should replace NSArray - far from it. For 99% of cases, NSArray is likely to be the best choice. But if you’ve got a large number of primitive types you need to put in an array, then it might be worth considering using NSMutableData and building your own implementation.

Use the demo implementation on github at your own risk. I built it to discover whether significant performance gains are possible

  • it’s not necessarily production-ready ;)
