Levelling Up with iOS 8

Now that the winds from the iOS 8 storm have died down a little we can take a step back and review what has happened. There are loads of great headline features such as extensions and handoff, but what about the lesser-known additions? Some of them are cool new features, whilst some of them will have broken your existing app.

Levelling Up

I presented a talk at CocoaConf Chicago that took a look at the underdogs of iOS 8’s new features - first discovering why your apps no longer function as you’d expect, before exploring a few quick-wins to enhance your apps. It covered topics such as notification actions, updates in XCTest, presentation of alerts & popovers and more.

Although the slides won’t mean a huge amount on their own, they’re available on SpeakerDeck (and below):

The sample project is available on GitHub at github.com/sammyd/iOS8-LevellingUp.

Alone, these artefacts might not be be especially useful. If you’d like me to visit you and present this talk, or a workshop based on the same concepts, then please do get in touch - sam@visualputty.co.uk.
