ReactiveCocoa 2.x with Swift
I recently wrote a blog post on the ShinobiControls blog about using ReactiveCocoa with a ShinobiChart. It’s great - you should go and read it. I was also invited to give a talk at #bristech around the same time, and thought that this blog post would make a really interesting topic. The audience at #bristech is not an iOS audience. Not even mobile-focused. It’s very much a mixed discipline event, with a heavy focus on javascript (lowest common denominator etc.). Therefore I decided a general talk on functional reactive programming, with ReactiveCocoa examples would be a great place to go.
One of the things non-Cocoa developers complain about is the somewhat alien appearance of objective-C. Now, I don’t really think this is a valid complaint, but in the interests of making my talk more accessible, I decided that if the examples I gave were in Swift then fewer people would be frightened off.
And so begins the great-swiftening. I took the original project which accompanied the previous blog post, and swiftified it. There were a few things I thought might be useful to share. This post is the combination of those thoughts.
Bridging Headers
Bridging headers are part of the machinery which enables interaction between swift and objective-C. They’re well-documented as part of Apple’s interoperability guide. Essentially, there is a special header inside your project (specified with a build setting) into which the objective-C headers for the classes you wish to use with Swift should be collected.
The ReactiveWikiMonitor project uses 3 objective-C libraries:
- ShinobiCharts
- SocketRocket
- ReactiveCocoa
Therefore, the bridging header looks like this:
#import <ShinobiCharts/ShinobiChart.h>
#import <SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.h>
#import <ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.h>
It’s actually that easy! I love how simple interoperability is at this level. However, if you try and compile this (with your Podfile created correctly and pods installed) then you’ll run in to some problems within the ReactiveCocoa source.
Compiling ReactiveCocoa in a Swift Project
If you try to build a project now, then the compiler will first attempt to compile
your pods - including ReactiveCocoa. Do it. You’ll see that it doesn’t work - you
get a compiler error around the methods and
, or
and not
on RACSignal+Operations
This is because of a compiler bug, which will hopefully be fixed in a future
release, but until then we can work around it by renaming those methods in the
ReactiveCocoa source.
Find the RACSignal+Operations.h file in the CocoaPods project, and rename
the aforementioned methods to rac_and
, rac_or
& rac_not
. You’ll have to
repeat this in the related implementation (.m
) file as well. You can then find
all the places that use these methods, by attempting a build (there are only about
three places in the RAC source). Fixing each call by changing its name will work.
Note that it might also be possible to do this using Xcode’s refactor tools, but
I’ve not had the most success in the past.
Now your project will build, yay!
Using generics to improve syntax
One of the things I like about objective-C is the implicit casting available in
the arguments to blocks. By this I mean the following is the signature for a map
function in RAC (defined on RACStream
- (instancetype)map:(id (^)(id value))block;
Which means that when creating a map stage in your pipeline, it would look like this:
map:^id(id *value) {
return value[@"content"];
The block returns an id
, and takes an id
for the value parameter. This is so
that in objective-C you can build a functional pipeline which can process any
datatypes (since generics don’t exist). However, the syntax allows you to specify
(and therefore implicitly cast) these parameters, by defining your block like
map:^NSString*(NSDictionary *value) {
return value[@"content"];
Although not strictly necessary (since the compiler will allow you to call any
methods on an id
), it just allows you to have additional type checking at
compile (and writing) time.
And now we move our attention to the world of Swift. The Swift equivalent to id
is AnyObject
, so the map function now looks like this:
.map({ (value: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject in
return value["content"]
If you attempt to build this code then (as of beta2) the compiler will crash. In order to make this work you might think that the following would work:
.map({ (value: NSDictionary!) -> NSString in
return value["content"]
However, Swift’s type system doesn’t like this (with a somewhat cryptic and misplaced error message). Therefore you need to explicitly cast:
.map({ (value: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject in
if let dict = value as? NSDictionary {
return dict["content"]
return ""
You have to do this every time you want to call a map
function, which in my
opinion is a little bit clumsy.
Which brings us to Swift’s generic system, and type inference.
A generic version of map
The syntax I’d like to use is:
.mapAs({ (dict: NSDictionary) -> NSString in
return dict["content"] as NSString
So how do we go about building this mapAs()
extension method. Well, extending
a class in Swift is easy:
extension RACStream {
func myNewMethod() {
println("My new method")
We’re going to create a generic mapAs()
method, which includes the explicit
downcasting and the call to the underlying map()
func mapAs<T,U: AnyObject>(block: (T) -> U) -> Self {
return map({(value: AnyObject!) in
if let casted = value as? T {
return block(casted)
return nil
This specifies that the mapAs
method has 2 generic params - the input and output,
and that there is a requirement that the output be of type AnyObject
. The closure
we pass to the mapAs()
method takes the first generic type and returns the second.
All the mapAs()
method does is call the underlying map()
method, but performs
the downcasting as appropriate.
We can write a similar method for filter:
func filterAs<T>(block: (T) -> Bool) -> Self {
return filter({(value: AnyObject!) in
if let casted = value as? T {
return block(casted)
return false
This obviously can be extended to all the methods on RACStream
, RACSignal
I find that using these generic methods (combined with Swift’s type inference), leads to a much more expressive pipeline:
.filterAs({ (dict: NSDictionary) in
return (dict["type"] as NSString).isEqualToString("unspecified")
.mapAs({ (dict: NSDictionary) -> NSString in
return dict["content"] as NSString
.subscribeNextAs({(value: NSString) in
self.tickerLabel.text = value
This is very much an interim piece of work. We can expect RAC3 to be swift-focused,
and so these techniques won’t be required. However, they don’t just apply to RAC.
Using generics to simplify block arguments is especially helpful when interfacing
with objective-C which uses id
as a type.
As ever, the code for this is available on the ‘swiftify’ branch of the ReactiveShinobi project on my github. If you don’t fancy having to fiddle with the ReactiveCocoa source once you’ve pulled it down, there’s also a swiftify_with_pods branch, which includes the source code changes.